World Cat Federation e.V. vs. Felidae e.V.
The largest German free cat association Felidae e.V. informs
Dear members of Felidae eV,
On 02.07.2024, a resolution of the World Cat Federation eV was published on the Facebook page of the Deutsche Edelkatze eV(WCF). As the board of Felidae eV, we were just as surprised as the members of the association. Neither member associations of the WCF nor the WCF itself had contacted Felidae eV in advance regarding the complaints mentioned.
Ms. Anneliese Hackmann is the board member of Deutsche Edelkatze eV and president of the WCF. To our knowledge, Deutsche Edelkatze e.V. is the only association to have published this „board decision“. I have written to the WCF as follows and sent this document to all board members.
Request for a statement by the Board of the World Cat Federation e.V.
Ladies and Gentlemen
On July 2nd, 2024, the following message was published on the Facebook page of Deutsche Edelkatze eV.
“From July 1st, 2024, the free German association “Felidae eV” will no longer be accepted by the WCF. The titles and pedigrees will no longer be recognized and the WCF judges will no longer receive permission to judge at the exhibitions of this association.
Unfortunately, we have noticed several incorrectly issued pedigrees recently and the awarding of points at exhibitions is not in line with the WCF guidelines, so the board has decided to take this decision after voting.“
Irrespective of the fact that it would be good practice to inform the affected association in advance, the Felidae eV association demands a substantive explanation of the allegations from the WCF board.
The association currently considers the decision of the WCF board to be unjustified, arbitrary and damaging to the reputation of Felidae eV.
We expressly reserve the right to take legal action against this.
The Felidae eV association advises the WCF board that we insist on the fulfillment of the contract by WCF judges and, if necessary, will claim the economic damage incurred from the breeding judges concerned.
The independent association Felidae eV with around 1,000 members is interested in an out-of-court, collegial settlement. We expect your response by July 19, 2024 at the latest.
With collegial greetings
For the association Felidae e.V.
A. Notthoff
On July 12, 2024, we received the following response from the WCF:
Dear Ms Notthoff,
Thank you for your letter dated July 4, 2024.
After consulting with our lawyer, you cannot make a claim because you are not a member of our umbrella organization.
There is no recognition/support from our side, nor is there any obligation to provide any information in advance.
We have asked our judges that if they have given you a firm commitment for your exhibitions before July 1, 2024, they must still fulfill the contract.
We wish you all the best.
Best regards
Anneliese Hackmann
The response from Anneliese Hackmann as President of the WCF is legally sound, but avoids any comment on the WCF’s allegations.
We note that the President of the WCF, Anneliese Hackmann, is unable to substantiate or provide any professional justification for the claims and accusations.
The total number of members of all German cat clubs under the umbrella of the WCF does not come anywhere close to the number of members of Felidae eV
The Felidae eV association considers the WCF’s decision to be technically unfounded and arbitrary. As the largest German free cat association, Felidae eV will not participate in technically or ethically unfounded exclusions of cat associations and their members.
Since neither WCF member associations nor the WCF itself had any prior contact with Felidae eV regarding the complaints raised, it is questionable what this decision is intended to achieve. A professional rapprochement or a desired correction can only be achieved through joint discourse.
For years, the Felidae eV studbook office has been confronted with technically inadequate or simply incorrectly issued pedigrees from WCF member clubs. It would be fantastic if the WCF would first enforce its high standards on its member clubs and thereby set a good example.
As we can see from written feedback from members of the WCF board, they were just as uninformed and surprised as the rest of us. It is extremely shameful and strange that such „decisions“ for the WCF umbrella organization are obviously made in German elite circles. The cat clubs and sub-associations abroad organized in the WCF were not involved in the decision and, like us, were only informed afterwards.
The statement „so that the board has decided on this decision after voting“ is therefore a false statement! What is going on at the WCF?
Cat clubs under the umbrella of the WCF should ask themselves whether such arbitrary sanctions are good for their members and the quality of cat breeding.
From the perspective of Felidae eV, cat clubs affiliated to the WCF have two alternatives to protect the interests of their members:
- Bringing about a correction of this decision at the 2024 General Assembly.
- The change to another umbrella organization.
It is astonishing with what ignorant incompetence the „decision of the board“ was made and published. The advice given to Ms. Anneliese Hackmann by the WCF’s legal counsel at least led to the WCF’s breeding judges, whom we value, being able to fulfill their already signed contracts without conflict.
Felidae eV has also been involved in the WCF judge training since 2006. We know and appreciate the ladies and gentlemen. If the WCF’s unfounded and arbitrary decision stands, then we regret that we are no longer allowed to invite WCF breeding judges.
I wish the members of the WCF constructive discussions, foresight and every success at the next General Assembly.
According to the information available to us, the published decision of the WCF board is a lackluster individual effort and not in accordance with the statutes. We are excited about the reaction of the member clubs and trust in their ability to correct the situation in order to prevent damage to the WCF.
The members of Felidae eV will be informed promptly about further developments.
Best regards
For the association Felidae e.V.
Yours, A. Notthoff
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